Virtual Reality gaming developer Infinite Dimensions has appointed Tenant Advisory Group to help it identify and acquire new offices in Manchester as the company seeks to expand.
Infinite Dimensions is developing a new virtual reality (‘VR’) gaming concept. It is currently based in serviced offices in the city centre. In order to develop its technology further it requires its own dedicated office. The new accommodation will need to provide around 5,000 sq.ft. of mainly cellular space in which the prototype games can be tested by software developers and end-users.
This is an interesting project with some very specific technical requirements not least of all, having sufficient clear headroom to accommodate the complex laser systems that detect the movements of the gamers. Unusually for an office tenant, natural light is not a priority. However, good transport connectivity and access to ultrafast Broadband are.
Virtual and augmented reality technologies are being applied to a range of sectors. Infinite are at the cutting edge of this technology so it will be interesting to see how they develop their business in the future.
If you would like advice on an office relocation either in Manchester or elsewhere in the UK, please call Martyn Markland on 0161 457 1422 or email him at