
We can provide you with a FREE desktop appraisal of your Rateable Value. This will include a five year projection of the savings that will result from a successful appeal, where we believe an appeal would be successful.

We can also assess whether there may be other grounds for a reduction in your assessment.


You may be familiar with the envelope that arrives each and every Spring from your Local Authority demanding that your business pays it a substantial sum of money towards local services. This is your business rates liability and must be paid. However, the ‘shocking’ truth is that liability is based on values that existed back in April 2015 when the world was a very different place. The good news is that a rebasing of the system is on its way in April 2023 which will use values from 1 April 2021.

The revaluation as it is called, will inevitably lead to some “winners” and “losers”. For example, there was huge rental inflation in the Logistics sector between April 2015 and April 2021. This means occupiers of industrial premises throughout the country could be facing significantly higher rates bills. The converse is likely to be true for many High Street retailers.

What factors can cause your Rateable Value to change?

If your business has been adversely affected by nearby construction activity or the nature of your physical occupation has changed, then there may be grounds for a reduction in your Rateable Value.

Here are some examples:

  • Extensions to the property

  • Merging of two or more units of occupation

  • Demolition of part or whole of the property

  • Changes in the use of the property

  • Construction activity that has affected your trade or use of the property (e.g.'s access for staff, deliveries, customers)